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What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s Whiskey n Sunshine Off Grid. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers.

Whiskey n Sunshine Off Grid is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!

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Are We REALLY Doing This?!


I love waking up to bright sunny days. Although most mornings i’m up before the sun for some reason. As i’m writing this it's winter, so keeping the wood stove going on those cold nights are important. Unless you want to be super cold in the morning.

I usually can’t go back to sleep on those mornings that i get up to fill the stove. My craving for coffee gets to me and I figure I might as well get up.

In the summer months, I sleep a bit longer, but not much. As soon as the sun comes through that window, my eyes pop open and I’m ready to go. I usually have some garden or chicken chore for the day planned. Something outside for sure. I love the morning air and sounds of all the creatures waking up to sun and warmth. The bees buzzing, the hummingbirds humming and the butterflies fluttering. (Did I mention its winter as I’m writing this? lol)

I check the power level and make sure the coffee maker doesn’t drain the power (they use a lot of power when on). I make my cup and shut off the machine as soon as it's done. No leaving a pot of coffee on all day here.

As I get started with my day, I sometimes forget that we have off grid power…actually most times unless I’m using a lot of power. It just seems so quiet and natural most of the time.

There are those days that i am just in awe at what we are really doing. It just amazes me how sun shines and runs through those panels to the batteries to store up power for when we need it. (simplified version of how it works) It's just so cool

In my head, I'm like “we ARE really doing this!” “It's REALLY happening!” lol

Things run and you don’t even think about it. Like blinking your eyes i guess. Everyday the refrigerator needs to run several times, along with the extra freezer, lights, phone, laptop charger, the internet box and the satellite tv is plugged in <—— Yup we got that too. All stuff we don’t think about removing power from the batteries .

We were told by a friend that has lived on Solar for many years to think of Solar as money in the bank act. The “account” is your batteries, the “money” is the converted Solar.

As you put money in the “account” it builds for a nice nest egg when you need it, but if you turn on a light or charge your phone it’s taking that “money” out of the “account”. It depletes the power. Like your bank account you never want to deplete it all the way. Its very hard to build it back up…it takes a long time.

So to answer the question “Are we really doing this?!…Yup we sure are. Of course we don’t have all the answer to every issue, but we are learning everyday and trying to make the best of this Off Grid life.

Wake up! It’s REALLY happening!

Take Care ~ Shelly : )

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